Visalia Times-Delta from Visalia, California (2024)

THE WEATHER San Joaquin Valley' Clear and slightly warmer today and Tuesday. High yesterday, 86; low, 55. JODAY'S SHORT STORY Late hours, a British scientist contends, are not good for one. But for two well, thats different. OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY x.

VOL. XXXVII. NO. 99. VISALIA, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1946 tl 'MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Tyrol Demand Rejected; Ifaly-Frante Border Weme tes Rfflardhi Attorney Scores Bureau Control Of Valley Water Abercrombie Tells C.

Of C. Battle Will Ensue Among Farmers Proposal of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation to take complete control of all irrigation water in the, central valleys would result in un- The Umted States, Russian. Bnt-ending lawsuits, and would set thelisb and French foreign ministers little farmer against the large own-lplanned to continue discussions of er for years to come, JamesK.

Ab-ithe French-Italian border late to-ercrombie told members of the Vi- da- The French have demanded Austrian Southern Ministers At Odds Over PARIS, June 24. UP) An American informant said the council of foreign ministers today rejected Austrias demand to take part of the Southern Tyrol from Italy but was unable to agree on the Italian-French frontier issue. The Austrian demand would have given the new republic control of the strategic Pusterhal railroad. The ministers met for an hour and a half during the morning. Franco Break Voted Down By U.

N. Council Polish Resolution For Diplomatic Rift With Spain Rejected, 7 to 4 NEW YORK, June 24. (HP) Pol-1 tion of the railroad, the American and today lost a hard-fought bat-! informant continued. tie fr an immediate and complete Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin'nited Nalions break with Franco agreed the question was not a mi- pam' nor one but obtained insertion of1 The vote w'as 7 to 4 against Pol-a clause in the peace treaty that and resolution, the two countries must settle the I Only Poland, Russia, France and real problem so as to secure a max-Mexico supported the resolution imum of benefit to both countries. calling for a diplomatic break when At the start of the morning ses-a vt? was taken shortly after the sion British deputy Foreign Min- ill6 j1 me Price Control 1 Backers Plead For Strong Bill Showdown On Measure Expected Tonight As Groups Demand Action British Hold Earl Browder incommunicado No Explanation Given For Detention Of U.

S. Communist Ex-leader salia Chamber of Commerce at its noon meeting in Hotel Johnson to day. Abercrombie returned recently from Washington, where he repre- naval units also was on the after-sented various irrigation districts noon agenda. at meetings between the districts Foreign Minister V. M.

Molotov and goxernment officials. (of Russia was declared to have The bureau misled the districts sout a postponement of the bv stating some time ago that pro- Freneh-Italian frontier issue while isions of the bureau's contract do the American and British con-not attempt to control below-the-4erees insisted on an immediate surface water, Abercrombie said. decision. others held up their hands against the move. Polands charges against Generalissimo Francisco Franco as a isters were to take up after the'raenace to Peace were made in Italian treaty.

They were- April and France, Russia and Mex- 1 Danube auestion then lined up with Poland for 2. The clause irHie Romanian ja break Madrid. I The charges were turned over to i a sub-committee and the work of that group was out last week by a Russian veto of a compromise resolution. Dr. 'Lange today called upon the security council to reconsider Polands proposal for an immediate He said his government felt the Franco regime is a threat to peace but that Warsaw had agreed to concessions in the interest of unani-'mity.

A council majority last week ap-c to. proved a motion which would have probably would see to it that the Governor fround and were bein creo-isent the case to the general as- However, he added, he and other! attorneys for irrigation districts, were assured in Washington thati the contract did call for control of pumped water as well as surface water in the valleys. Many large landowners already are pumping water, Abercrombie pointed out. When Secretary of the Interior J. A.

Krug was asked by attorneys for inigation projects, whether the large owners would not take all the water by pumping, leaving the little landowners to pay the bills. Secretary Krug indicated that the little landowners Warren today ordered ister Gladwyn Jebb, reporting on behalf of his colleagues, presented a list of four problems concerning the Balkan treaties which the min- soted. that big landowners didn't do so. Abercrombie pointed out when water is brought into an area, LONDON, June 24. UP) British security police held Earl Browder, former head of the Communist i party in the United incommunicado today pending his departure for New York after a visit to Moscow.

The home office did not comment immediately. Browder, who came here yesterday from Paris, was understood to have been lodged in the gray brick barracks of the security police at Heathrow airport. I A spokesman for the American embassy earlier today said he had i been advised Browder had been granted a transit visa authorizing! him to stop in Britain while en route. i Security police said Browder had i been in their custody since his ar-l rival last night. I An officer said, to quote Brow-' ders own words he was comfortable and satisfied with his treat-1 ment.

The security officer explained i Browder had plenty of air, a comfortable bed and adequate meals. put was not allowed to see anyone. I American Overseas Airways said the home office had sought to get iBrowder on a Transatlantic plane1 WASHINGTON, June 24. UP) sooth as Sacramento. leaving tonight but had agreed to Funds for the west side transmis-1 The committee member declined 'groups and citizens committees in 'his departure at 9 a.

m. tomorrow sioq line in the California Central to disclose specific amounts granted the east and midwest. Senator Taylor (D-Idaho), speaking to a save OPA rally at the Washington Monument grounds, suggested today a buyers strike if major controls are abol-and prices jump. The final shape of legislation extending OPA after June 30 is being decided by a house-senate conference committee. After delegations representing housewives and labor groups swarmed the capital demanding that Congress save OPA, Taylor told the rally that consumers i can make prices come down by refraining from buying.

I Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas j(D-Calif). told the same rally, 1 sponsored by the Independent Citizens Committee of Arts, Scientists and Professions: A majority of the Democrats and a few Republicans know that a 50-per cent rise in living costs will be as ruinous to our economy as the atom bomb was to Hiroshima. The visitors buttonholed senators and house members to plead for continuance of the present price control law. Taylor said they represented a march on Washington organized by various labor that oarinnoc rr by canals, murh of it seeps into 1 potatoes afebein destioved theTu0' Ts the cruelest thin in legate and chairman of a countin' ground, and can be pumped fori destioed in the the world at a time like this when 1 sub-committee which mvesti- inigation.

Whole there-! county area. food is needed to prevent famine. fated sPain- declared his opposi te, might get plenty of water by'The Report was made by State Governor Warren commented by A16 Staie rnent ot Agriculture of a report me on a t.1 r. 1 Real jsembly for its decision but that It is the most asinine piece was vetoed by Russia. stUpiditv I ever saw.

he contin-i Dr- Herbert V. Evatt, Australian Dr. Evatt said the sub-committee this pumping method, and not ac- cept the bureau's contract. Seudder at a meeting of theconservatjon Gf food g0t excited Vjas However, Abercrombie said, council. ja while ago because a thousand ace asolncT charged nLid bureau is determined to own and; Seudder, terming the destruc-, carloads of potatoes vverp beings control all irrigation water, both on tion a terrible miscarriage of diverted to alcohol.

If this report fnr -as tbAPfatT warrant Jhnf the surface and below the surface decency. said he was driving near is true and 10,000 carloads arelfuj it Vn hpt nnd tht- Ileietofore the bureau has allowed Lost Hills, in Kern county, recently going out in the desert and arei Alexaidrp Parnoi French dele irrigation dmtucts to control the and saw large quantities of pota- being creosoted I dont think any-L-Tu trepH tn the Vnl Kh resnhi water after the government's costs toes being dumped on the ground one can criticize the use of pota- fion dherin to the position taken have been paid back, year by tear. trucks. toes for anything. bv when Poland first Limitation or 160 acres to an "I stopped to ask about it and state Director of Agriculture A.

brought up the question, hvidual, as pi escribed by the storekeeper told me there wereA. Brock, assuring the governor! Andrei Gromyko. Soviet delegate nu eau regulations, is not fair, io. 000 carloads being dumped. agents already working on the po- who invoked the veto last week ne -pea er said, as some mdivid- Seudder said.

He told me he had.tato harvest would make an imme- against a compromise resolution by Dr. Evatt, also de- ual acies, 'r' rane groves, to pay S4 a sack for potatoes while diate investigation of the situation, and received tacit approval at pre vious conferences for minor ad justments in the Alpine region. Disposition of surplus Italian Estate Commissioner Hubert huge quantities were rotting on I Polio Nurse At County Hospital of the atomic test force. I hope the real show goes as well. I i i I 4 a.

Eastern Daylight Time) Valley project were eliminated to-when told no reservation was avail-1 day by senate-house conferees on able. The airline said Browder the 1947 interior department ap- I would reach LaGuardia Field, New.propriation bill. the senate group receded from its! members will ieach a showdown York, late tomorrow night. a member of the conference com-iPosition on several major items. tonight on differences in legisla- A United States embassy spokes- mittee who asked that his name The major controversy, extend OPA.

asked under what authritf not be used told a reporter money, was a senate approved amendment I the conferees cannot agree. 'Browder was being detained in-jwas granted to construct the east by Senator Hayden (D-Ariz) grant-icommunicado, replied that the side line from Shasta dam as far dng $4,572,000 for both the east and Taft said it is the understanding that they will a'-k instructions aie worth $2000 each, making 160 of them worth $320,000. These ts ne.d comparatively 1 little water. But on land suitable tr less profitable crops, and which' tike more water, might be worth only $200 an acre, making 160 of such acres worth $32,000. He said that breaking up large United States often resorted to similar procedure at Ellis Island, Explaining Browsers transit visa merely authorized him to touch down' 'in England, he added: Apparently Browder is perfectly happy.

He has made no effort to get in touch with us. Ask Change In said he had no knowledge of the specific incident referred to by to Seudder. Brock pointed out, however, that the federal government for some time has had a support price for potatoes, and when the market quotation drops to that level will buy surpfus stoejes. bel held during the week-end un-, Approximately 5,000 persons at- tended the annual celebration com- memorating the feast of Saint Isa- -jwest side 230 kilowatt lines from dam to Txacy, in the delta area and a third line from Keswick dam to Sacramento. The conference report on the I bill, recommending settlement of about 200 senate-house differences, will be made public later.

was ported today to nave agreed on a cut of between WASHINGTON, June 24. OP) A house-senate conference com- Ralph Manuel, 28, was booked in county jail Sunday charged with assault with a deadly weapon following an alleged knife attack on Marcello Rodilez early Sunday morning at the Tule River Indian Reservation. Rodilez was treated at Porterville for slashes about the head, neck and upper body, allegedly inflicted by Manuel with a pocket knife in a (Continued on Page Three) Cannery Contract With A.F.L. Void WASHINGTON. June 24.

OP) NLRB trial examiner recom-, mended today that the FruitvaleAvas stated- Canning company of M)ss Helen McNamara of Calif cease discouraging member- ca? has arrived in Tulare and has Chi- al area from Vancouver Island to 00dp00aud in Kilowna in Central British for tbe interior department bia and south to Olympia, Wash. tlie senate- One man died. Jacob L. King- the amount appropriated ing areas around Visalia into theston, 69, succumbing to heart fail- b- ibe senate ir tne departments city were recommended today by 'ure when Seattles downtown build-the Visalia Chamber of Commerce ings swayed above him as he walk- operations during the fiscal year beginning next July 1 was Tremors Shake Northwest Area SEATTLE. June 24.

6P) Walls fell and a hillside walked yesterday morning in the Pacific Northwest when a strong earth shock jarred la wedge-shaped piece of the eoast- jmblue to Seattleites, but the uni- Iversity reported equipment con- Bnued j-ecord vibrations for an hour dollars. WASHINGTON, June 24. (JPh from their respective houses about the po.C controversy. Senator Woerry iR-Ncb) sough support of the Republicans at their party conference for a senate-approved amendment permitting distributors and retailers to pass along to customers the cost increases which they have absorbed since 1941. Wherry contended that a house (Continued on Page Three! WiUiam S.

Hart Claimed By Death LOS ANGELES. June 24. d) WlIham s. (Wlld Bll) Hart, eastern-born western movie actor of a quarter of a century ago, died late last night of a lingering infirmity a statement without a struggle, just as though he were aqle JHospital records gave issued saving death cam Swimming sure helps! Men's Swim Trunks $2.95 fo $5.00 PETERSENS MENS WEAR committee on annexations, headed ed toward church. There were no ,90,000, the reduction would still by Walter A.

Caskey at the cham-other reports of deaths or injur-ber's noon meeting. lies. The committee reported that it The quake knocked the needle had met and had decided that from the recorder at the University changes in the plan could be made Washingtons seismograph at to eliminate many reasonable ob-l'lSO a. m. (PST) and was record Bicycle Riders And Parents Are Warned Four juvenile offenders of jections made against the recent ed at 9:14 by the Dominion Astro- plan, which failed because its timejPfWslc3l Observatory in Victoria.

limit expired. B-. c-, was fo.r, a ccle traffic laws and their parents' The iron-faced hero of many a apDeared Saturday before Special movie battle died peacefully in a Officer John Wr. Ward in the His Physician, Dr. II.

which had called his son home from Washington. D. to enter a court fight over the dying mans affairs. hip in the CIO Cannery Workers, takcn over heV duties. She re- der auspices of the PPAV.

Union, and at the same time desist oeived her training at St. Ber-j The Portuguese holiday celebrat- Lom recognizing the AFL union as'nard Chicago, and last year es a feast given by a 14th century 'eluded Jimmy Casey, 22. ofYipton exclusive bai gaming agent for its sh(v nuised patients through the queen of Portugal in thanksgiving f0r disturbing the peace; Pvt. Jas. mploj es.

ePldenic 1.n.R?ckf?rd: for bountiful crops that alleviated i Woodward, 19, of Farmersville. for The examiner. John II Eadie, Dr. Clark pointed out that the a famine. absence without leave from Camp also recommended that the com- local chapter is fortunate in ob- Portuguese American organiza- Robinson, since June pany cease and desist from giving taming the nurses services.

He tions from Hanford, Lemoore, Tu-'james Dobbins, 41, of Tulare for ffect to its contract dated July 10, said there is an extreme shortage lare, Selma, Fresno, Tipton and parole violation; C. W. Warren, 38, 1943, and renewed as of March 1. of nurses and many trained women elsewhere were represented and and Rebecca Warren, 52, of Selma, 1946. with the California State are leaving here for other parts of many others who donated toward for investigation by the highway Council of Cannery Unions, AIL.

the state. feast were guests. 'patrol; John Laurel and Leo Pedre- Cannery Workers Lmon, No. The lulare county chapter also Miss Barbara Lee Oliveira, for intoxication- Robert For-20905, AFL. until a proper bar- has purchased an Emerson hot daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Manuel syth, 46, of Los Angeles. Rosie Cox, 'Oliveira, was the queen, and was, 36, of Fresno. Bill Upperman, 27, attended by Geraldine Rocha, 0f Farmersville, Lloyd A. Gilstrap, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Max 31, of Earlimart, and Pearl Brad-is. I A Lftmk I Rocha, and Madeline 35. of Pixley, all for public in daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Men- toxication. donca. Visiting queens from Tulare Bridge Hearing July 18 A-Bomb Rehearsal iday celebration. Others booked in county jail in- It was the most severe in sev- uiyyvics Hart's age-as 83. Movie sources eral years, said Dr.

J. A. Pearce, 'varned that further violations will prevjousiy hari given his age as 75. be cause for court action. At the bedside was his son, Wil- S.

Hart, 24, who last Thursday was appointed co-guar-jdian, with George Frost, of the actor's person. lie had charged in court that his father was being improperly cared for and was incapable of managing his own affairs. Frost, who said he was a long-time friend of the actor, was appointed sole guardians of Harts estate, estimated at nearly a million (Continued on Page Three) Absentee Ballols Have Little Effect Tabulation of the vote on 203 ab sentee ballots completed Saturday, an4 B. JUdniel. by County Clerk Gladys Stewart1 second Oa me-had little material effect on the Fnh-u 'ing unlighted bicycles at nt and fill 2 12 12 1 The committee recommended 1 idfsPread campaign of publicity be launched, to inform all affected with the plan and pur poses of the extensions of the city limits.

The committee feels that many people are ready and willing to join the city, and that these residents of the districts near the edge of the present limits will, with help, join the city, the committee reported. Two Men Treated For Head in municipal hospital early Sun day morning for head injuries, al legedly received at the hands of 'Fay Howard, who was held by city police on an assault charge. (Continued on rage Three) Indian Held In Slashing Case fight that concluded an Indian hoi Mrs. Carnegie Dead NEW YORK, June 24. Mrs.

Andrew Carnegie, 89, widow of the steel maker and philanthropist, died today at her Fifth Avenue mansion. tacts X7 Grael Allen. atjt you wouldnt its possible as you walk around New York today to tell the Louis bettors from those who backed Billy Conn. The Louis bettors are still ducking taxis, while the Conn backers are standing in the middle of the street hollering. Here I am; come and get me.

Certain signs betray those who bet on the fight. For instance, today, both ends of Clark Gable's mustache were turned down. So he must have lost. Grover Whalens mustache turned up at both ends, so he must have won. But Governor Deweys mustache turned up at one end and down at the other.

I guess he broke even, huh? Billy really made only one slight mistake: a midget only three feet tall jumped into the ring before the fight 4o wish him luck Billy should have fought tbe midget instead of Joe Louis. As a matter of fact the fight of the night was staged after the main event. It was between two policemen in back of the press section. I finally got a civilian to break it up. A hearing on tne construction of the Cutler bridge will be hed at Sacramento by the state highway commission on July 18, it was an-jACHIAN, June 24.

UP) The bom pounced today by II. T. Lewis, hardier let go his practice bomb! qairman of the highway commit- right on the noe today and the! toe, at a meeting of the Visalia admiral hopes the atomic bomb' hamber of Commerce at its noon test itself goes as well as the final meeting. warm-up. -I Results of the rehearsal bombing staged in Bikini lagoon show-1 ed that the practice bomb exploded, in the air between the battleship SACRAMENTO.

June 24. (A) Nevada bullseve of the target-' An initiative measure proposing to fleet and the carrier Indepen-' fix minimum salaries for school dence. (teachers at $2400 a year qualified It. was swell, said Vice Adm.j today for the November general William H. P.

Blandv, commander election ballot. Goes Without Hitch standings of candidates in the coun-i ty. The absentee vote for congressman and sheriff was; Governor Republican: Warren, 87; Kennv, 1. Democratic: Warren.1 65; Kenny, 27. Congressman Republican- El- i the contracts usually are nf Iho uhnlo of the vi hole i 1 1 rent pQilce campaign on bicycle! safety They w-ere cautioned against nd- Vl-fllici fMMJ fHHl .) nsanM and riprk: i.ottie, Elliott, It.

Dann and G. Danni. First Game I 2nd Garcia; Simmons and sk. Sconna Game ockton I 1 -vara 30 21) 4 1 1 Gamt vnurienn All games tsmiaht. (National B- Chicago oi'f) (ino non 5 osti.n 1D mo) 3ox 5 5 hmitz and McCullough; Wnt Bernard.

I'hel'i and Klurvrik: Dorman, S.iuthwick, Tucker, Water-'and Ikllmfis. Oat tion nu 10 4 5(jn oiu) 02x 7 i 1 and Cupp; Nelson and ht isi. Cine nnatl 5, Brooklyn a (at end of th inning). Onlv garner Phone 391 Following treatment, Alva Car- liott, 38; Noon, Terry, 13; Zum veil told police that Howard struck wait, 41. Democratic: Elliott 30 them without cause and arrested Noon.

8. and Tei-ry, 53. Howard. Grover Pryor told officers' Sheriff Cochran, 65; Gurr, 89; that he and Howard were assisting Perry, 37. the Carvells to their quarters at, 623 South Bridge street about 1:30 Beer Retailers Warned a.

m. Sunday when neighbors com-! t.rDnrevm i i plained to police of a disturbance. The State Board of Equalization Two Injured In Auto Collision The rehearsal, in which scores quired, were filed for the proposal, of planes and ships and thousands! which also would increase the an-of naval personnel went through nual state apportionment for sup-a practice maneuver as intricate! port of local schools to $120 a year almost as the real test scheduledper pupil. The secretary of states in another week, was like the main oftice said signatures were obtain-event in every detail except in nearly every county of the bomb. state.

The bomb was a copy of the' The measure was the second ini-atomic bomb in size and appear-' tiative to qualify for this years ance. but its charge carried none! ballot, a fair employment prac- of the tremendous atomic weapon. force of the Petitions bearing 286,805 signa tures. 103,041 over the number re- tices commission proposal having been filed last week. Wbel NATIONALLY KNOWN AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYERS Two persons suffered minor in- neslded favor juries on Highway 99.

two miles, seJj south of the Fresno county line at 10:45 a. m. today as result of a rear end collision between two automobiles. Ray Freeman. 3, of Kingsburg, was taken to Kingsburg hospital, not seriously injured, and Mary Nauta, 22.

of Raton, N. was given first aid and not hospitalized after the accident. A car driven south on Highway ,99 by Elvin Nauta, 20, crashed into a car driven by Audrey Freeman, (28, of Kingsburg, while the Kings-'burg car had stopped to make a left turn at an intersection. Capt. W.

E. Riley of the state I highway patrol investigated the ac-jcident. IF BRING YOUR We now and new PETE 613 E. YOU'RE A CHEVROLET OVNER CAR HOME for Your Service have factory trained mechanics genuine Chevrolet parts and lots of equipment with which to service your car SHEPHERD CHEVROLET COMPANY Goods Coming Soon See Page 3 39 95 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW AT THE 112 SO. LOCUST Phone 57-W Main.

Visalia Times-Delta from Visalia, California (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.